Monday, 31 January 2011

Red Dolphin's response to the Health Reforms (1)

Posted on the King's Fund website:

"The new reforms have missed an opportunity and the elephant in the room remains. The entirely artificial division of 'providers' (largely meaning secondary care) and 'commissioners' (also of course providers in primary care) serves no one and simply fosters the old antagonisms.
Patients of course are not concerned with these politically driven boundaries when it comes to rapid, effective and joined up treatment. They simply want to see the correct health care professional with minimum wait. Applying free market principles in a closed market has not worked but the ideology continues to be pressed.
Whilst we welcome the abolition of SHAs and PCTs as mountains of needless bureaucracy we are concerned that, at least the latter, will be replaced by something very similar under a different name.
The much needed simplification of the administration of the Health Service is still a long way off."

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