Tuesday, 6 April 2010

And they're off

So the phoney war is over and we are now due to endure four weeks of wall-to-wall unverifiable promises by the men in grey, who appear every four or five years to pretend that they understand and care what really goes on outside Westminster.
The health service should of course be a central pawn in this battle and numerous suits will promise that 'the NHS is safe with us'.
In reality none will dare to meddle too much with this jewel in the British crown but will nevertheless be unable to resist detrimental fiddling when the winner(s) is/are announced. But they will all ignore the elephant in the room - or perhaps they are genuinely so wrapped up in their own inflated rhetoric that they actually do not know. The service is managed and bureaucratised to distraction and the doubling of the number of managers over the last ten years appears not to have been noticed by those who seek cuts. Regulation has stifled innovation and progress and the army that drives this inertia-creating industry will be in no danger from the eventual winners.
And there lies the lost opportunity for vast savings and increases in efficiency and morale that cutting a swathe through these pen-pushers would create.
So vote for change, fairness, both or neither. It all adds up to more grey.

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